Developed after listening to the players and taking in the suggestions and criticism of currently existing speed loaders, 6mmProShop utilized this information to make improvements in their design.Without reinventing the wheel, 6mmProShop has made subtle improvements over the current popular loading system. These improvements include a wider feeding track as well as a BB agitator to help with jamming and stoppages. Other changes made were to the structural integrity of the loaders to make them more durable; these changes include using a new blend of reinforced high impact polymer. The 6mmProShop speed loaders come in various shapes and sizes (pistol mag, smg mag, rifle mag) allowing them to fit easily into magazine pouches for easy carrying and transportation.
Manufacturer: 6mmProShop
Material: High Strength Polymer
Capacity: ~400 Rounds
Established in 2011, 6mmProShop Inc. is a USA based manufacturer and distributor with a mission to bring law enforcement training, Airsoft sporting events, and military simulation to the next level. 6mmProShop features exclusive licensed products, unique innovations, and distribution rights of many exciting products from Japan, Europe, South America, and Asia. With headquarters located in the USA, 6mmProShop offers unmatched product support, inventory availability for resellers, and worldwide exclusive products!