Orders generally take 24 hours to process, pull, package, and finally schedule a pickup with USPS. To determine when your package will arrive you can consult the map above. For example if you place an order on Monday before 8PM, you can expect it to be picked up by USPS on Tuesday, and arrive to you in either one, two, or three days depending where you are located on the map above. Do note, this is only if you select USPS Priority shipping. For other shipping methods, the transit times may vary.
We do not take returns at all unless there is a manufacturers defect, or we shipped you the wrong item. The vast majority of our products carry a manufacturer's warranty. If your product breaks while still under warranty, it is much faster & easier for you to make a claim directly with the manufacturer. If you are not comfortable doing this then you can send the item to us and we can deal with them directly for you. Feel free to contact us before deciding how you want to proceed with a warranty claim. Do note, if we handle the return you would be responsible for any shipping charges incured should the manufacturer not cover return shipping costs. If a product does not have a warranty, then it usually cannot be returned; however, we will consider returns of this nature on a case-by-case basis, depending on the conditions of it. To inquire about a return, please contact us.
If you place an order and wish to cancel it you are able to do so, but only if it is before the item has been delivered to you. If it is delivered then returns or cancellations are no longer accepted. There is a 15% restocking fee on all canceled orders. Also, if you order was already packaged or shipped the shipping cost will not be refunded.
Yes, we do ship to Canada! We are one of the few retailers willing to go the extra mile to cater to our brothers to the north. In order for an airsoft gun to be legal in Canada it has to shoot OVER 366 FPS and UNDER 400 FPS. Any guns not in those parameters we will not ship to Canada. If you are not sure weather something is legal or not, please contact us before placing your order. All tactical gear and accessories, excluding hazmats are legal to ship to Canada. If you order something that is not legal, you could be subject to a restocking fee.